GNU MediaGoblin

Welcome! You've probably just come from our landing page, where there's more info on the awesome GNU MediaGoblin project. This is the page where you actually make your donation by credit card or Paypal.

Contributions of $500 or more have the option of being publicly acknowledged with a Thank GNU.

To donate by check or money order, please mail one to the main Free Software Foundation address, with "GNU MediaGoblin" in the memo field. Our Bitcoin address for this campaign is 1AciGmhugrPACEgojGGBByMd3J4PX9ZbuU. If you'd like to use a wire transfer of any currency, email

Donate with Bitcoin
Donate with Bitcoin

The Free Software Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your donation is tax-deductible in the United States.

Thank you from the FSF, Chris Webber (founder of GNU MediaGoblin), and the rest of the MediaGoblin team!



Total Amount
every month
Your recurring contribution will be processed automatically. You will receive an email receipt for each recurring contribution.
If you would like to create an account on this site, check the box below and enter a Username and a password. If you already have an account please login instead.
Name and address for donation

Everyone who donates $500 or more will be thanked on our social media accounts and appear on our list of ThankGNUs. To make a donation "In honor of" or "In memory of" someone, please forward your donation receipt along with the person's name to

Credit Card
Billing Name and Address